sábado, 20 de junio de 2009

Thing #5

Disgruntled Mexicans Plan an Election Message to Politicians: We Prefer Nobody.

Being a native Mexican from Acapulco I have been around the politics all my life. knowing this and seeing where this election is going is a great disappointment. I believe my country with which I have great admiration for is now in the midst of a particularly rough patch. The economy is being hit hard by the financial crisis in the United States. I believe that the Political corruption in Mexico is regarded as being as bad as ever. The President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon has been shaking up the drug traffickers and slowing distribution, but that is a battle that will not be easily accomplished. He is up against the politicians also. Mexico´s politicians work with the drug traffickers to become elected and in return they let them slide. If the elections is not where it should be, things are done to ensure the majority of the votes. Mexico has always had political conflicts due to the corruption of all levels of campaining and in office, for this I believe that is the main reason our Mexican people do not have faith in the goverment. The issue at hand whether or not to vote should be up to the individual, however I believe it is the responsibility of each Mexican citizen to have a voice and should be heard as a country.


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