domingo, 28 de junio de 2009

viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

thing #9

thing #8

Advantages of Creative Commons vs Copyrights reserved:
Personal advantage: learning the difference of of creative commons and copyright reserve will help me navitgate through websites correctly to teach the my children about web surfing. I am able to use the creative commons to research entertainment products for my family.
Professional advantage: Creative commons is an important tool to have in researching subjects oriented towards my students to help them grow and teach. Creative commons allows me to view products and websites that will help individual growth of my students and to provide information to the parents to grow with their children. Understanding of copyright reserve will help me to keep myself restricted from using sites without proper permission of authority.
Upon reaserching some websites, I found some very usefull website that I can use to teach my kids, for example was a grat website to help the boys and girls who is interested in cars.and for those kids whos interest is in animals this website is great for their interest in finding what it looks like.For those who like music like myself
this website is great for free music stream and download.

sábado, 20 de junio de 2009

Thing #7

I belive it is very important to comment and get feedback in order to grow. Especially in areas that will allow us to help others.
Developing through feedback: I have learned through feedback that there is a difference between good and bad. I would like to take the feedback from my bloggers and use it as a tool to coach myself and others in advancement.I believe these feedbacks will help me develop myself.
regarding blog comments: I enjoy reading comments from my blog readers. Sometimes I receive negative feedback and I feel disengaged from the course I have taken in the past. Good thing is this will help me develop self confidence in myself and learn to to share my view points with others. I really enjoy reading positve feedback on my blog. these comments will help stenghten my inner self. I want to encourage fellow students, peers, and bloggers to write from the heart and be truthful when writing in my blog. Please be honest as all comments will help me become a better person.

Thing #5

Disgruntled Mexicans Plan an Election Message to Politicians: We Prefer Nobody.

Being a native Mexican from Acapulco I have been around the politics all my life. knowing this and seeing where this election is going is a great disappointment. I believe my country with which I have great admiration for is now in the midst of a particularly rough patch. The economy is being hit hard by the financial crisis in the United States. I believe that the Political corruption in Mexico is regarded as being as bad as ever. The President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon has been shaking up the drug traffickers and slowing distribution, but that is a battle that will not be easily accomplished. He is up against the politicians also. Mexico´s politicians work with the drug traffickers to become elected and in return they let them slide. If the elections is not where it should be, things are done to ensure the majority of the votes. Mexico has always had political conflicts due to the corruption of all levels of campaining and in office, for this I believe that is the main reason our Mexican people do not have faith in the goverment. The issue at hand whether or not to vote should be up to the individual, however I believe it is the responsibility of each Mexican citizen to have a voice and should be heard as a country.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

Thing # 4 Blogging begins with reading

I am really impresed with all this blogs. As I wrote before this is my first experience with this "level" of technology and I feel so bad and also two steps behind of where I should be .
This blogs are great , all have great ideas in how to present a blog. I did not have an idea about how introduce a blog in a lower level, but after I read Duck with a block I got different ideas in how to bring it in to the classroom.
I like the different formats that you can adapt to writte, and I would say that writting and reading are in a metamorphosis, it is a compleatly new way to express yourself, to share ideas, comunicate etc. I just love it!

Thing # 2

It is amazing how we ever accomplished anything on a day to day basis with very little technology, and yet we eat, breath, and look for new ways to make our live easier. I am a Bilingual Pre-K teacher and my students become engaged when I use it in the classroom. I have done some research to find better ways to integrate our new and changing technology. this coming year I am planning to work with the parents to teach them the importance of why our children need the basics of learning using technology. As educators we need to adapt to new technologies in to the classroom and take advantage of what are they offering.
Why 2.0 matter?
Because technology is the future and is forcing a new way of education, the new generation of students require that teachers change the way that content is presented. The class must be more interactive and it will allow students to explore different ways of learning , they will find the best way of learning and they will be engage in it.

Thing # 1

Which habit most be more challenging for you to employ as part of your learning 2.0 23 things experience?
I would say the most challenging for me will be writting in english, and not only that sharing! I do not feel very confortable about it. I am still learning english and sometimes it is frustrating for me not be able to express what I want, but I am willing to take the risk. Because this is a great opportunity to learn something new. I will do my best.
Which habit will be the easiest or is most reasonent for you as a lifelong lerner?
Begin with the end in mind will be the easiest habit for me.I have been having this habit for a while and it always works for me , and now If I do not have a goal it is for me like walking covering my eyes.
and the most important habit for me as I work in this course will be have confidence in myself as a competent effective learner because I have no experience taking classes on line and my lack of skills in technology.